Insights, Innovation, and Economics

Introduction, Explanation, and Methodology

Drew Jackson

Nov 26, 2023


I’ll start by introducing myself. My name is Drew Jackson. I’m currently a junior at the University of Utah in the Quantitative Analysis of Markets and Organizations program (basically just Business Economics).

My background is within the finance sector, specifically at Venture Capital firms. I’ve spent the last year at Battery Ventures as an intern, specializing in deal sourcing and in-depth due diligence research. In addition, I spent the last summer at the University Growth Fund, a venture capital fund based in Salt Lake City, uniquely driven by students (not associated with the University of Utah). I’m currently an equity research intern at Wasatch Global Investors, a public equities fund also here in Salt Lake City, Utah.

I’ve also interned with a non-profit marketing organization called WikiCharities, the entrepreneurship department at Penn State, an investment bank called Logan Growth Advisors, and a sales firm named RockTops.

I’ll be upfront about my intentions, expectations, and thoughts behind starting this blog. This blog is not intended to be a source of income, it is purely for educational means as a way to educate myself and others about key topics that will be influential to our future. If it does eventually make money then great (I’m not opposed, I mean who is), but that’s not the goal. I’m planning to have the structure be very transparent, with people able to see and understand the finances, time, and effort behind writing, editing, and posting these blog posts.

Why is it called Insights, Innovation, and Economics?

Honestly, I have no idea what makes a good blog title. I asked Claude (AI by Anthropic) to generate a bunch of blog titles and this stood out as my favorite. I think it properly encapsulates everything that we’re hoping to accomplish here, as in, talking about insights within the world, new innovations, and how the economics behind them work. That’s really all the thinking behind it.

Other Important Details:

First, I’d love this to be a collaborative space, one where readers can comment, question, and debate key topics. Considering this, feel free to email me anytime at Yes, it’s a mouthful but I have no idea how to do it better, so it is what it is.

As for posting, I plan to post 1 “content” piece every week, and then once a month also do a “blog overview” where we talk about how the blog is going, feedback, changes, and the finances behind it, for a total of around 4-5 pieces of writing per month. Honestly, this might be a lofty goal, but I’ll keep everyone updated on what’s happening in my life and whether the structure is working or not.

Let’s also address the elephant in the room. I do not know how to run a blog, how to properly structure a blog, how to market a blog, or basically anything about a blog. So, this is going to be a learning process. I hope that, overall, it is simply a place to address and discuss things that I think are intriguing and interesting in a way that makes sense to the everyday person. This blog isn’t fancy (I couldn’t even tell you how to make it fancy), but it is simple and effective and that’s all we need.

Anywho, that’s all for today.

-Drew Jackson